Monthly Calendar

We Believe
That change is possible when people participate in its creation
That partnerships are essential for fulfilling our mission
That partnerships consist of first meeting, then planning, then acting with common interest
That children will thrive when adults create and sustain opportunities for their growth
That schools are the anchors of a community and are where teachers, parents, caretakers, and community partners act in the best interest of their children
That people grow when they are celebrated for their accomplishments and capacities rather than blamed for their mistakes or circumstances.

Our Team
Enjoys working with adults and children coming from many diverse backgrounds
Commits to learning about and enacting community development, community organizing, social justice issues and neighborhood-based change
Is proactive, motivated, flexible, independent, and act as positive role models, especially to youth
Commit to meeting people where they are, not where we think they should be
Fosters a culture of collaboration, communication, and mutual support
We Value
Our ability to convene partners in service to families and children
Neighborhoods that provide within walking distance opportunities for good food, health, recreation and education
Diversity and inclusion in all forms
Schools and communities that are organized to provide enrichment opportunities in the summer and after school as an essential part of their services
Service and civic engagement as vital elements of personal and community well being
Literacy and the love of reading are the most important elements of early childhood education
The capacity of families and residents to provide service and direction to schools and neighborhoods.
Our Mission
Partner with community organizations to increase sustainable extended learning opportunities and experiences for youth that serve their academic, social, and enrichment needs
Create family engagement opportunities for parents and students to build relationships and skills, especially in areas of safety, housing, health, and youth development
Develop and sustain a neighborhood-based community garden for food access and family space
Recruit and employ Springfield residents to be leaders & co-dreamers
Develop renewable, stable, and enhanced funding streams that support sustainable projects and initiatives, leading to further neighborhood investment.
Funders, Partners, and Supporters