Our Team
The Springfield Promise Neighborhood intends to recruit and hire Springfield residents with the skills, and more importantly, the desire, to serve their community.
If you are interested in being part of our team, please contact us.
Abby Gerstenzang, Youth Empowerment Coordinator
Abby was born and raised in Buffalo, NY but came to Springfield to attend Wittenberg University where she obtained her degrees in Psychology and Sociology. While pursuing her studies at Wittenberg, Abby interned with Promise where she fell in love with the Springfield community and the youth she served. After graduation, Abby felt called to continue her work with Promise and served as an AmeriCorps VISTA member for a year. In September of 2024, Abby joined the Promise Team full-time as the Youth Empowerment Coordinator where she is delighted to continue serving the youth of the Springfield community.
Jon Upshaw, Healthy Families Coordinator
Jon is from a multi-generation Springfield family and has worked in and around Springfield schools for most of his career. First working as an after-school program assistant at Fulton Elementary's 21st Century Community Learning Center grant and as a paraprofessional. Jon served as an AmeriCorps VISTA member with Promise from 2021 to 2022, and was selected as the Healthy Families Coordinator in Fall of 2022. He has published a novel and is working on its sequel. He loves spending time with his family.
Kali Lawrence, Executive Director
Kali is a graduate of Wittenberg University, where she first started volunteering for the Promise Neighborhood and took classes from its founder, Dr. Bob Welker. She served three terms as an AmeriCorps VISTA member, as an administrative assistant, and as Co-Director before Dr. Bob officially retired in 2019. Kali is originally from Elyria, Ohio. Thanks to her dad's love of nature, she also volunteers for People for Safe Water and loves spending time outdoors on her bike or in her kayak.
Krisi Clark, Youth Development Assistant
Krisi is a newly graduated MSW from Case Western Reserve University. She has served with the Promise Neighborhood through three VISTA terms, and now works part-time as a Youth Development Assistant. She supports extended learning programming, and her yearlong mentorship and peer support program "Promise Gems" has now expanded "Promise Kingz" for boys and to multiple schools in Springfield.
Wayne Myers, Early Literacy Coordinator
Wayne came to Promise after taking a course at Wittenberg taught by Dr. Bob and Kali in 2019. He shifted careers away from landscaping and manual labor to educational studies, desiring to work with people with disabilities. After being the main caretaker at the end of his father's life, Wayne completed his Educational Studies degree and came to the Promise team in the Fall of 2022. He supports the needs of our partner schools, including arranging volunteers, donations, and resources. In his free time you can catch him zooming by on his motorcycle or Bobcat!
Our Board of Directors
Ayisha Duncan
Teacher, Springfield Preparatory and Fitness Academy
Bob Welker, Founder
Director, Springfield Promise Neighborhood (retired); Board member, Jefferson St. Oasis Garden
Bonita Dover
Wright Patt Air Force Base (retired); Greater Grace Temple; Perrin Woods Promise; National Council of Negro Women (NCNW)
Brian Kampman, Vice Chair
Vegetable & Small Fruit Technician, Central State University Extension; member of the Friends of the Hartman Rock Garden Board of Directors
Deb Accurso, Chair
Principal, Clark Early Childhood Center (retired)
Gracie Hemphill
Deputy Director, Clark County Combined Health District; Board Member, Second Harvest Food Bank
Jim Gay, Treasurer
Superintendent, Tecumseh Local School District (retired); Ohio Leadership Advisory Council
Kristen Collier, Secretary
Associate Director, Hagen Center for Civic and Urban Engagement, Wittenberg University; Board Member, Sheltered Inc.
Melissa Turner
Early Childhood Educator, Clark Early Learning Center, Springfield City School District
Nick Heimlich
Chief, Springfield Fire/Rescue Division (retired)
Steve McCready
Partner, Martin, Brown, Hull & Harper; Board of Directors of the United Way of Clark, Champaign, and Madison Counties; member of the Westcott House Board of Directors